Digital Dragon Designs

Digital Dragon Designs - Ninja Petion & Zoey Pinkdot's Second Life Fashion & Accessories Blog

7:55 PM

I took the challenge, will you?

Posted by Ninja Petion and Zoey Pinkdot

OK so I know that I usually stick to ONLY making posts that are Digital Dragon related. But..well..I couldn't pass this one up. *teehee* Kristi Maurer sent out the most absolutely fabulous challenge to her fellow bloggers and it just looked way too fun not to do it. The challenge (and since I am terrified of shape sliders it was quite the challenge) was to create an avatar that resembles your real life self as closely as possible. Read more here.Anywho, here are my results.


Kesseret Steeplechase said...

You are gorgeous! Your skin is so beautiful! Thanks for a great post and your avatar representation is very good! I hate the sliders as well, they are tricky!

Lucas Lameth said...

You're beautiful!!

Lexi Morgan said...

Omg how cute are you!! GREAT job on the avatar lookalike too!

Ninja Petion and Zoey Pinkdot said...

Oh my goodness you guys! *blushes* I can't tell you how much this extremely self counscious girl appreciates the compliments. Now you guys ALL need to do the challenge!! It was so much fun.