Digital Dragon Designs

Digital Dragon Designs - Ninja Petion & Zoey Pinkdot's Second Life Fashion & Accessories Blog

5:30 PM

Fun Filled Swings at Digital Dragon!

Posted by Ninja Petion and Zoey Pinkdot

A lot of work has gone into this and it shows. The swingset is scripted with loads of fun and is built with a combination of both normal and sculpted prims.

~scripted for multiple sits and includes poses for individuals as well as couples.
~swings and bar are all scripted with animated poses.
~a total of 7 avatars can occupy the swingset at any one time.
~all static poses are adjustable for individual sized avatars through a drop down menu.
~once a pose is adjusted to your specefic avatar, the swinget will remember your avatar's position the next time you use it.
~up to 50 avatar positions can be stored.
~copy permissions make this perfect for landowners who want to place multiple swingsets out.

There are multiple colors available for sale.

Visit us in world to view a demo.

Digital Dragon (113, 113, 23)