We have decided to have a Double Value Giftcard Sale. There will be a Double Value vendor set up at the spot you teleport into on the sim. Simply Pay that sign the values available and receive a giftcard that is worth double that amount. Its an automated system so all you have to do is wear it and then go shopping with the card immediatly. But the cards don't expire either so you could keep your card with credit and wait for more new releases if you prefer. Either way you're getting double your L worth of yummy stuff. No middle man. Its essentially a 'buy one get one sale' when you think about it. :D This sale will run through the weekend....possibly longer.
So get on down here and get you some!!
Digital Dragon (113, 113, 23)
- Ninja Petion and Zoey Pinkdot
- We are a husband and wife team in both real and Second Life. Owners of the Digital Dragon Designs store on our very own Digital Dragon Sim.
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