Digital Dragon Designs

Digital Dragon Designs - Ninja Petion & Zoey Pinkdot's Second Life Fashion & Accessories Blog

3:53 PM

You Can Tie Me Up If You Wanna!

Posted by Ninja Petion and Zoey Pinkdot

So sadly the constant harrassment from the afore mentioned random jerk has not stopped yet and that still keeps Ninja in and out of SL and his IMs capped pretty much 100% of the time. BUT..the good thing about it all is that since his in game time is rather unstable, he has been putting much much more work into poses. And on that note, I give you......Bondage! Properly titled because they are..well..bondage poses. You can purchase them in a pack of 20 or seperately if you choose. And you can try them all out in the store. These poses are perfect for tieing people up on crosses or just being naughty.

Be sure to stop in and check em out. You know you wanna!! Digital Dragon (113, 113, 23)