Digital Dragon Designs

Digital Dragon Designs - Ninja Petion & Zoey Pinkdot's Second Life Fashion & Accessories Blog

3:52 PM

Introducing Lovekraft Ink!!!!!!

Posted by Ninja Petion and Zoey Pinkdot

Ok Ok we are super duper excited and honored to introduce to you all, Lovekraft Ink. Lovekraft Jacobus is a personal RL friend of ours and he has been working so hard just generally learning how things work in SL. And boy oh boy does this guy have some talent!!! So, for your buying pleasure, there is now a new shop opened on the Digital Dragon island. Lovekraft Ink! And already he has 20 tats that he just released this evening. We can't even describe how proud of and honored by the opening of this shop. Everyone stop on by Digital Dragon (113, 113, 23) and give them a big warm SL welcome. You're not gonna believe this talent.