Digital Dragon Designs

Digital Dragon Designs - Ninja Petion & Zoey Pinkdot's Second Life Fashion & Accessories Blog

5:50 PM

Unable to Log In

Posted by Ninja Petion and Zoey Pinkdot we didn't make a big deal out of the move because we were supposed to have internet the same day. However since we moved we had to change internet providers.......and this one is proving to be less than satisfactory as of now. :( So we are unable to access SL at this time and will be unable to do so until Monday at the earliest. With this being said please be sure to send us your problems, concerns, or help requests via notecard rather than IM as our IMs will surely be capped soon. We will get to them as soon as we can log in. Thanks everyone for your patience.


Unknown said...

hi! .. i now for sure your internet problems would be soon over. =) i love your designs and mostly the boots..
can you please tell me where can i send you an email? Thank you